A.I.R (Adolescents initiative for reform)


We have been involved in research and consultations at local and international levels on issues of SRHR, HIV and AIDS. Today, we are excited to share one of the outcomes of our work.

It has been observed that AGYW lack the knowledge and skills needed to take part in high level discussions. Today we are glad to unveil an adolescents-led group called LGA-A.I.R (Adolescents Initiative for Reform). This was created after several months of research, training and consultations with AGYW on the challenges they face particularly on their SRHR and the discrimination against young people living with HIV in Cameroon like elsewhere.

The A.I.R will exist as a wing of Leap Girl Africa. This is also another strategy to continuously monitor the Global Fund processes and advocate for teenagers’ rights and also call for reforms at different level.

A big thank you to HERVOICE Fund grant for an opportunity to raise our voices.


The Adolescents Initiative for Reform (AIR) is a female adolescent-led group under Leap Girl Africa. This group has as objective to improve girl’s access to information about their SRHR, train and strengthen their capacity between the ages of 12-25 to influence SRHR and HIV/AIDs biased and discriminatory laws/policy that excludes us in the implementation processes.

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